2025 In Person & Online
Celebration Sale

On THURSDAY, July 24 at 6pm CDT
Porter County Fair in collaboration with Kraft Auction Services
will be having a LIVE & OnlIne 4-H Celebration Sale AT THE PORTER COUNTY FAIR SHOW ARENA!
Thank you so very much for your interest in the 4-H Porter County Fair Celebration Sale! We want to invite you to be our guest at this year’s auction.
Who is Participating?
4-H Exhibitors who choose to participate in the 2025 4-H Celebration Sale will have the opportunity to sell at least one livestock project . Livestock projects include: poultry, swine, rabbits, beef, dairy steers, dairy milk, goats, and sheep.
If you are not familiar with 4-H, here is an explanation of what our livestock kids do for their project in a normal year: Each 4-H member in the stated livestock project selects the species they wish to raise and exhibit; some do several species each year. They purchase the young animals at various times of the year, depending on the species. These 9 to 18-year-old 4-H exhibitors feed, water, clean, and care for their exhibiting animal until the fair. They will then groom and bring them to the fair to compete on conformation and style before an independent judge.
The lessons learned include responsibility, commitment to a long-term project along with many other rewards. They also learn the balance of being accountable for performing all the downright dirty and difficult jobs that must also be done to successfully raise livestock. These 4-Hers acquire some base knowledge about animal care and develop real-world experiences like contacting a veterinarian for extra care when necessary. These projects also address a more in-depth lesson on the science of raising livestock.
The proceeds from the sale are traditionally used for purchase and feeding of their animals in the following year. Part of the project requires reporting of expenses, profit, and managing their finances. Proceeds from the auction are often put into college savings accounts and support other future goals. 4-H members have the opportunity to belong in the organization for 10 years, and many in the livestock program will go the distance. Parents, grandparents, and other family members appreciate the quality family time spent together mentoring and teaching these kids while taking care of the animals.
Interested in being a Buyer?
Please NOTE: if desired, all animals purchased at this auction will have options for custom butchering and processing through certified local facilities.
When You Buy…
Buyer names will just be announced audibly and displayed on the screen in the auction ring.
Your name or business name will appear in the program at next year’s fair.
You will once again receive an invitation to our auction and buyers banquet the next year, reserved parking, and a pass to the fair.
How much will this cost?
Goats, Poultry, Dairy Milk, and Rabbits will be sold by the head. Swine, Beef, Sheep, and Dairy Beef will all be sold by the pound.
Approximate Estimates:
Steers - $3.00 to $3.50 per pound (~1200 lbs. +/-) = ~ $3,900.00
Swine - $3.00 to $4.00 per pound (250 lbs. +/-) = ~ $875.00
Sheep - $3.00 to $6.00 per pound (135 lbs. +/-) = ~ $600.00
What do I do after I Buy it?
We are set up to handle four choices for our buyers:
1) Resell to a local meat processor at market price.
This allows your money to go further and you do not have to deal with the animal.
Everything over market price is tax-deductible as an advertising or donation expense regardless of what you choose to do with the animal.
For buyers wishing to sell their Swine, Beef, Dairy Beef, Goats or Sheep back to the market buyer instead of keeping the animal, we will have market buyers for these species.
Floor prices for the animals will be posted the day prior to the auction.
Market price is deducted from your invoice and you only owe the donation portion.
2) Have the animal sent to a local processor for freezer meat. You pay the full bid price.
NOTE: A commitment from three local meat processors will ensure you can have your sale animal butchered and processed to order. *Processing is done at the expense of the buyer*
These are well fed and cared for animals and very good meat to have in your freezer.
Some Buyers find a family member or another business to share the cost and the meat.
The processor hauls your animal for you.
They will call to ask you how you would like it cut, smoked, packed, etc.
They will call you again when it is ready for pick-up.
There is a processing and packing fee associated with this choice. This fee is paid to the processor at time of pick-up.
The four meat processors are: Sims Meats (LaPorte, IN), Hanford Packing (Thayer, IN), The Butcher Block (Lowell, IN), and Hobart Locker (Hobart, IN)
3) You can donate your animal to the Northwest Indiana Food Bank.
Animals will be donated to the Northwest Indiana Food Bank, and it will support local families in our community.
Donations will cover the cost of processing, so you will only pay for the animal.
In 2024 Porter County Celebration Supporters and Private Donations given by Centier Bank, The McMillan Family and Camping World donated over 18,000 pounds of protein to the Food Bank.
4) You can take it home from the fair and continue to feed and care for it yourself! Buyer would be responsible to be at the fairgrounds at 7am on July 27th to pick-up your purchase. You pay the full bid price.
5) You can give the animal back to the 4-H Exhibitor. Must be approved by the parents of the 4-Her. You still pay the full bid price.
Check-out and Payment
For bidders at the auction bidding live, payment is due the night of the auction at the conclusion of the auction.
For online bidders, all payments are due to the Celebration Sale Committee by 5pm July 26th.
Buyers can choose to pay by credit card on the phone or via a secure link on your emailed invoice and incur a 3% convenience fee, or buyers may pay via cash or check, but must pay by 5pm July 26th. Checks and cash must be delivered to the auction office located in the show arena at the Porter County Fairgrounds.
Checks should be made out to “Porter County Celebration Sale.”
Online buyers must message us their desired destination during the auction.
support 4-H A Different Way
For those interested in supporting 4-H members in another way, you can do so through the Friends of 4-H Buyers Group. Here is what you need to know:
For those who just want to make a general donation prior to the auction, we will combine all donations to bid on 4-Hers’ animals to promote a higher price.
Contributors will be recognized during the auction, on social media and in the 2025 program.
If you are interested in donating to the Friends of 4-H, please contact Aimee Tomasek.
If you have questions about the sale and or would like to be a buyer
contact One of Our Celebration Sale Committee Members:
Committee Chair: Jonathan Kraft
Committee Member: Anna Kraft
Buyer Groups: Martha Sharp