Who Will Win the Crown?
Porter County Queen Pageant

Jessica Walters
276 S 650 E
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Application Deadline
MAY 29th, 2025
Entry Fee
Pageant night
July 12, 2025
7 PM, Patio Room of the Porter County Expo Center
Send a completed application, sponsor form, and entry fee.
You are welcome to submit your application online or bring your entry fee with your sponsor form to the first meeting.
Jessica Walters
Miss Porter County Fair Queen Pageant
276 S 650 E
Valparaiso, IN 46383
Email application to jessica.spoljaric@gmail.com
or complete online and submit
Welcome to the 2025 Miss Porter County Fair Queen Pageant. This year marks the 173rd year of the Porter County Fair. We, as a committee, are excited that you have chosen to be a part of the celebration. Several activities have been planned to make this year’s pageant educational, fun, exciting, safe and full of memories. Make sure you send your application, and sign the rules/responsibilities contract, the pageant deadline for all applications is MAY 29th, 2025. The entry fee of $100.00 is to be paid by your sponsor and is also due at the time of your application. Have your sponsor make checks payable to the Porter Co. Fair Queen Pageant.
I’m excited to get started and to meet you all! Our first meeting will be on May 30th at 5:00 pm in the Expo East building located upstairs above the fair office. There will be weekly meetings to prepare all the contestants.
As a Miss Porter County Fair Queen Pageant contestant, I agree that all statements below concerning my behavior are true and agree to the following rules and responsibilities for my conduct before, during and after the Porter County Fair Queen Pageant.
1. Contestants must be sponsored by a business, firm, or organization in Porter County. The sponsor agrees to pay the $100 entry fee and to make sure all of the rules and regulations are understood at the time of entering the pageant.
2. Contestants must be at least 18 years of age and cannot have reached their 22nd birthday on or before June 1, 2026. A contestant may be 17 to participate in the pageant as long as they reach their 18th birthday on or before June 1, 2026. If the contestant turns 18 on June 2nd 2025, the contestant is not eligible.
3. Contestants must be an Indiana resident, a U. S. Citizen and represent her home county. One of her parents or legal guardians must also be an Indiana resident. The only exception, she may reside in an adjoining Indiana county if the majority of her activities are in the county she enters the contest. Should a fair represent more than one county, the winning contestant must reside in one of the participating counties.
4. Contestants cannot have had a child or be knowingly pregnant at the time of the county fair. If Miss Porter County becomes pregnant or convicted of a crime anytime during her reign, she will be required to relinquish her title and return all gifts and cash prizes.
5. Each contestant must be an active member of at least one worthwhile organization in her community, such as a church group, girl scouts, 4-H, eligibility is not limited to 4-H membership.
6. Contestants must be unmarried and must have never been married.
7. No professional model will be considered eligible for the Porter County Fair Queen Contest. (A professional model is one who earns her livelihood modeling.)
8. Each contestant will be entered as Miss Porter County, should she win the local title, in the Indiana State Fair Queen Pageant. She will be required to compete in the State Fair Queen competition. If Miss Porter County should win the Indiana State Fair Queen Program, she will be required to reign from the date of selection throughout the Indiana State Fair and participate in activities as requested. (Indiana State Fair Queen rules apply to Porter County rules.)
9. The contestants will be judged on interview, speech, professional wear, evening gown, and impromptu question.
10. The winner of the county contest will be crowned Miss Porter County and must be prepared to spend the remaining period of the Porter County Fair as a hostess for the Fair. You will basically give up your normal life for the next 10 days. In the event of Miss Porter County not being able to fulfill her duties, all awards and prizes must be relinquished to the next eligible contestant in line.
11. Any contestant who has competed in a State Fair Queen Pageant cannot compete again.
12. Any contestant crowned Miss Porter County Fair Queen shall not compete for any other title while holding the title of Miss Porter County Fair Queen with the exception of running for the title of Miss Indiana State Fair Queen. The Porter County Fair Queen will also be required to relinquish any title that she currently holds and cannot make any appearances as the Porter County Fair Queen unless authorized by the director of the pageant. Any violation of this policy will result in the loss of said title and all prizes awarded must be returned within 10 business days.
13. Contestants must understand that their behavior while participating in the Pageant and if chosen Queen, as well as their behavior at the Indiana State Fair Pageant, is a reflection on herself, her family, her school, and Porter County. She will behave accordingly as a good role model and upstanding citizen.
14. Contestants must understand and agree that any visible body piercing should not be worn while they are representing the Pageant in any capacity (i.e. parades, fair activities, attending other pageants, State Fair Pageant, and other activities she may attend as representative of the Pageant). However, jewelry appearing in the ear appropriately will be permitted.
15. Contestants will NOT defame the Pageant, the Porter County Fair, the Pageant Directors and/ or Committee, and/or family members of ANY director or committee member and/or ANY of the Pageant Contestants, and/or any Porter County Queens past or present through any action of her own, whether it be oral, written or otherwise stated before, during or after the Pageant. Contestants understand if they defame any of the above named in any way, they will be banned from future Porter County Fair Queen Pageants and the Porter County Fair Board could seek legal action.
16. The Pageant Directors and Committee expect each Contestant to display the highest degree of sportsmanship during the workshops, rehearsals and any Fair or Pageant related activities. Each contestant should be mindful that they are representing themselves, their family, their school, Porter County and the Pageant. Unsportsmanlike conduct could result in the disqualification and affect future eligibility to compete in the Porter County Fair Queen Pageant. Any Contestant and/or family member, friend or guest, showing unsportsmanlike behavior will lead to the disqualification of the contestant.
17. The Porter County Fair Queen Pageant Committee reserves the right to change the foregoing Rules and Responsibilities contract as necessary at any time.
Division I: Interview
50 points total
Ability to converse: 20 points
Personality: 15 points
Poise: 15 points
Division II: Prepared Speech
10 points total
Division III: Professional Wear
20 points total
Posture & Poise: 10 points
Overall Impression: 10 points
Division IV: Evening Gown
20 points total
Stage Presence: 10 points
Overall Impression: 10 points
Division V: Impromptu Question
20 points total
120 total points
Points and score sheets are for judges assessment only. Final selection is the judges’ decision. The Porter County Fair Queen Director reserves the right to change the foregoing terms and conditions at any time as may be deemed expedient. Scores will not be discussed. Pointers can be given if a contestant wishes to improve in a certain area.
Division I: Interview
(closed to the public and will happen on the same day of the pageant in the morning)
Attire: Contestants will interview in black pants or skirt and a white blouse of her choice, putting each on a more even playing field.
Interviews will be one-on-one with each of the three judges, timed at (3) minutes each. Contestants will rotate to each judge, seated at a separate table in separate areas of a large room. This means each contestant will interview for a total of (9) minutes.
The contestant will answer impromptu questions asked by the judges during the entire interview. Qualities of a good interview: sincerity, honesty, poise, ability to articulate, relaxed and self-confident.
Division II: Prepared Speech
Attire: Same as interview attire.
Each contestant will prepare a speech no longer than one (1) minute, on the topic of their choice. Speeches will be scored on natural speaking ability, delivery, poise and originality. Each speech will be timed, with one (1) point deducted for speeches going over one- minute. Props, music and audio-visuals will not be allowed.
Division III: Professional Wear (on stage)
Attire: Suit, Pant Suit or Dress
Pantsuits or pant separates will be allowed. Suit does not have to be the same fabric-separates will be allowed. Suit or dress worn by contestant in Interview may also be worn in Professional Wear category. Props are not allowed.
Division IV: Formal Wear
Attire: Long evening gown
At least one portion of the evening gown’s hemline needs to be floor length (touching the floor or the contestant’s foot). Other portions of the dress may be knee or tea length, depending on the design of the dress. A gown with the skirt split above the knee (more than 2 inches) and/or low cut as too revealing are strongly discouraged and may be discounted by the judges.
Division V: Impromptu Question
Attire: Evening Gown
Failure to comply with the above requirements could result in the loss of judging points. Points and score sheets are for the judges’ assessment only and will not be available to view following the pageant.